Boise State University’s athletic training program and World Languages department partner each year to host Hosei University from Tokyo, Japan, in a two-week long intensive English program. Within this program, students from Hosei university can participate in athletic training workshops, attend Japanese classes for bilingual exchange, and participate in social activities with the Japanese club, athletic training faculty and students at Boise State.
This annual event recently celebrated its sixth year of the program in early September with nearly 20 sports health studies students from Hosei traveling to Boise to participate. “Hosting these students has allowed Boise State to assist Hosei University in incorporating a travel abroad experience as a part of their undergraduate experience” said Dave Hammons, director of the Athletic Training program and assistant professor in the department of Kinesiology for Boise State University.

Hammons, who has played a significant role in hosting the program, helps orchestrate an injury treatment workshop and a hands-on preventative ankle taping lab. Students from Hosei also spent time visiting Athletic Training facilities on campus as well. They were able to visit the Human Performance Laboratory which enabled them to learn more about the equipment used to measure performance and effects of exercise physiology. Students also spent time visiting the Bleymaier Football facility and the strength and conditioning facilities.
“Every time Hosei students have visited our facilities they mention how much more America is invested in Collegiate sports than Japan; it is truly an eye opening experience for them to see the facilities our athletes have to train in.” said Hammons.

In addition to the athletic training workshops, students from Hosei University also participated in social activities with the Japanese club on campus and attend two Japanese classes for a bilingual exchange within the World Languages department. Each of these classes and workshops allow the students of Hosei to dive deeper into learning the English language. For Boise State, this also creates a global event for the faculty and students on campus although they never leave Boise.
Hammons has also been able to host two professors from Hosei University which has lead to research opportunities and great friendships within the athletic training program. As this event continues to grow each year, Boise State students and faculty are able to experience workshops with Hosei students and become part of a global event here on campus; all while Hosei University students are able to study the English language through the workshops provided by the athletic training program.