The College of Health Sciences sponsored a rocking chair during the March of Dimes “Rock-a-thon,” which was organized and monitored by Scentsy.
Seventy rocking chairs lined Eagle Road near Scentsy’s Meridian complex and people volunteered to rock in the chairs between 6:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sept. 11. For every hour that a volunteer rocked in one of the chairs, Scentsy donated $275 to the local March of Dimes chapter.
The goal of the event was to raise $230,000. Between the volunteers and donations and pledges, the event surpassed their goal and also collected diapers and sleep sacks for the charity.
College of Health Sciences faculty and staff volunteered for thirty minute shifts in the college’s Boise State decorated chair. Together the college chair, with the addition of student volunteers, raised more than $4,000.
The March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality through education and the funding of applicable research.