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Free Wellness Screenings on Campus in October, November

Life can get busy, and thereā€™s not always time to schedule a wellness screening with a medical provider. As a part of BroncoFit, Boise State is bringing wellness screenings to you.Ā The weeks of Oct. 26Ā and Nov. 9, Preventative Health will host health screening clinics on campus. Consider taking 15-20 minutes to check up on your health. These screenings are freeĀ withĀ verifiable insurance.

The screening will cover the following tests:

  • Lipid Panel
  • Thyroid Test (TSH)
  • Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  • Complete Blood Count
  • Prostate Screening (PSA) Male
  • Hemoglobin A1c (Diabetes)
  • Blood Pressure
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Wellness Visit (H&P)

Additional labs will be performed as clinically indicated. An eight-hour fast is preferred for Lipid Panel & CMP, although black coffee, tea, and water are fine to drink. The links below will take you to the sign-up page for each date.

Oct. 26-30

Nov. 9-13

If you have additional questions, please contact Holly Levin, 426-2694 or, or Preventative Health at (208) 853-2273.