Jeff Anderson, associate professor and director of clinical education in the Department of Respiratory Care, was featured in an article with the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC).
The purpose of Anderson’s article was to give advice for those exploring the idea of becoming a director of clinical education (DCE). In the interview, Anderson outlined the responsibilities he holds as a DCE which include generating the clinical schedules, identifying instructors for our sophomore students, and coordinating rotations as well as generating affiliation agreements. He explained that his experience at Gulf Coast Community College was invaluable in applying for the DCE position at Boise State and how generating the annual Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care reports gives him insight into how to add value to the clinical program. Anderson also revealed the biggest challenges and rewards he has experienced as a DCE and the advice he would give respiratory therapists seeking a position as a DCE. The entire article can be read here.
Anderson has been a respiratory care practitioner since graduating from Madison Area Technical College in Madison, Wisconsin. After graduation he worked at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics for six years in the trauma and life support center, burn unit, cardiac surgery and medicine intensive care units, hematology, oncology, pediatrics, and pediatrics intensive care units. His interest in exercise testing led him to complete a bachelor degree in exercise physiology from the University of Wisconsin. After graduation he joined the faculty of Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, Florida for three years before joining the Boise State Respiratory Care faculty in 1986. Anderson has been the DCE for Boise State’s Respiratory Care over 28 years, which made him the perfect interview candidate for the AARC.