The College of Health Sciences held its first Interprofessional Research Conference on April 7 in the Student Union. Eighteen student posters, representing the work of 44 student authors, were showcased.
Ron Pfeiffer, associate dean of the College of Health Sciences, gave a welcome address, celebrating the new tradition of the college and the student scholars.
“The College of Health Sciences has a bold mission to grow interprofessional education both within and outside the college,” said Pfeiffer. “Research and scholarship is a major part of the educational process. Many of the questions we are attempting to answer with research are extremely complex and require teams of researchers from multiple disciplines–this is the essence of interprofessional research.”
The participating students and their faculty mentors represent all areas within the College of Health Sciences. The room was filled with people and posters and buzzed with discussions as students, faculty and staff interacted with the student researchers.
“It was great to see students collaborating with faculty and engaging in innovative health research in our community,” said Nichole Lasich, clinical instructor for the School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health.
“The inaugural Interprofessional Research Conference was not only a success, but an inspiration and motivator for future interdisciplinary activities within the college and throughout the university and regional community,” said Dale Stephenson, director of the School of Allied Health Sciences. “The conference highlighted the fact the every discipline in the College of Health Sciences is based in health and that it really does takes a village to solve health-related issues in an integrated manner.”
“After asking questions to student researchers, I was able to connect more on what they do in each program,” said Keiko Knudson, administrative assistant for the School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Respiratory Care. “All of the student researchers were very professional and passionate about their research topics and I really enjoyed learning about their research.”
The following posters were presented:
- “Ultraviolet Radiation Penetration Through Clothing.” Jordan Ramage, Health Science Studies major. Faculty mentor: Uwe Reischl, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health.
- “Biceps Tenodesis vs. Labrum Repair for SLAP Tear.” Todd Johnston and Heidi Leonard, Kinesiology majors. Faculty mentors: Dave Hammons and Phil Ford, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Kinesiology.
- “Mindfulness Intervention in the Classroom: Effects on Student Mindfulness and Anxiety.” Rachel Kaschmitter, Master of Social Work student. Faculty mentor: Michael Slagel and Donna Graybill, School of Social Work.
- “Effects of Lyrical and Non-Lyrical Music on Performance of a Vertical Jump.” Acen Hansen, Kinesiology major; John Amos, engineering major; Kelsie Lambeth, engineering major; and Jessica Bottelberghe, kinesiology major. Faculty mentor: Jeffrey Eggleston, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Kinesiology.
- “A Brief Visit to Chiang Mai: Oral Public Health in Action in Northern Thailand.” Arthur Cooper, Pre-Dental Studies major. Faculty mentor: Uwe Reischl, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health.
- “Kamiah’s Kool Vests: Preventing Heat Stress in Service Dogs.” Recka Seward, Biology major. Faculty mentor: Uwe Reischl, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health.
- “Prevalence of Lead Shielding.” BreAnna Hall, Sierra White and Hayley Self, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “ALARA versus Magnification of Thoracic Anatomy.” Dustin Peterson and April Howard, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Attenuation Capability of BLOX-R’s UltraBLOX.” Amy Thurston, Don Sanford and A’Lisa Moore, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “How Degrading Effects Affect a Disposable Thyroid Collar.” Jessica Engel, Camarin Wood and Bailee Siepert, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Technologist Dose While Holding Patients at Various Distances from the Primary Beam.” Angela Herrara, Julia Schmidt and Miranda Stimpson, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Occupational Dose Dependent Upon Patient’s Bed Position in Exam Room.” Karissa Robinson, Taylor Marshall and Ashley Wattling, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Patient Exposure Received from Mobile X-Ray Units.” Beau Garmendia, Terry Morton and Stacey West, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Lead Eyeglasses: Essential Piece of Protective Equipment for Diagnostic Radiography Patients.” Jeanie McElroy, Mikayla Meyerholz and Mary Winter, Diagnostic Radiology majors. Faculty mentor: Leslie Kendrick, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Radiologic Sciences.
- “Manganese-based Pesticides and their Potential Adverse Health Effects in Idaho Agricultural Workers.” Jessica Porter, Environmental and Occupational Health major. Faculty mentor: Cynthia Curl, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Community and Environmental Health.
- “High Fidelity Simulation in BSN Nursing Programs: An Evidence Review.” Kristy Meyer, Autumn Pledger, Judy Richards, Tracy Roberts, and Paige Ziemer, Nursing majors. Faculty mentor: Cara Gallegos, School of Nursing.
- “Evaluation of Molecular Sieve Oxygen Concentrators at Varying Flow Rates.” Grace Hofmann, Kelsey Braden and Leo Ivey, Respiratory Care majors. Faculty mentor: Lonny Ashworth, School of Allied Health Sciences Department of Respiratory Care.