Celebrate Boise State and Kinesiology with faculty, staff, alumni, and friends on Sept. 18 at the annual Kinesiology Alumni and Friends Reception. Visit with exceptional Kinesiology students and researchers while enjoying heavy appetizers and a no-host bar from 6:00-8:00 PM in the Student Union Lookout Room.

Bob Murray, PhD, FACSM, former Boise State exercise physiologist and the founder and principal of Sports Science Insights, LLC, will be the special guest speaker of the evening.
Murray previously served as director of the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) from 1985 to 2008. Murray oversaw a broad program of GSSI and university-based research in exercise science and sports nutrition designed to set industry standards and consumer expectations for science-based product efficacy. Murray has been an invited speaker at sports science and nutrition conferences around the world. An author of numerous publications in scientific texts and journals, Murray is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and served on the ACSM Board of Trustees. After leaving GSSI in 2008, Murray founded Sports Science Insights, LLC to help companies and organizations maximize the value and impact of scientific knowledge in exercise science and sports nutrition.
Tickets are $10 for alumni and $15 for non-alumni. Register online or RSVP to Li (Lee) Sperl at aliciasperl@boisestate.edu or (208) 426-4272 for more information.