Mike Berlin, chair of the Idaho Alzheimer’s Planning Group, public policy liaison for the Center for the Study for Aging and lecturer for the Department of Community and Environmental Health, and Sarah Toevs, director of the Center for the Study of Aging and professor for the Department of Community and Environmental Health, presented a policy and advocacy workshop at the 2014 Aging in America Conference in San Diego, Calif. The session, “A Grassroots Aging Policy Initiative: Small Steps That Produce Big Results”, described the work of the Idaho Alzheimer’s Planning Group in the development and implementation of an Idaho State Plan for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. The discussion focused on connecting policy development theory to grassroot and volunteer efforts with participants guided to apply concepts to initiatives in their jurisdictions. The conference, sponsored by the American Society on Aging, was attended by over 2500 professionals and celebrated the American Society on Aging’s 60th anniversary.