Lutana Haan, MHS, RRT, RPSGT, faculty in the Department of Respiratory Care, has been invited to lead two sessions at the 2013 American Academy of Respiratory Care Summer Forum for Educators and Managers which will be held July 14 – 17 in Orlando, Fla.
Haan’s first presentation, titled “Moving from Sage-on-the-Stage to Guide-on-the-Side: Active Teaching and Learning Strategies for Lecture, Lab and Clinical Setting,” will feature active learning, which has already been heralded as essential to effective teaching and learning. It will be an interactive session designed to enhance one’s teaching toolbox by providing active learning exercises that enhance understanding and produce positive and lasting learning outcomes. Haan will provide take home creative teaching/learning strategies for the classroom, laboratory and clinical setting that can be implemented immediately into one’s own teaching practice.
Haan’s second presentation, “OMG! Students Arrive with Textbooks, Stethoscopes and Smart Phones – Helping Them Use Mobile Technology for More than Just Texting,” will be an interactive presentation discussing planning, preparation, and integration of mobile learning within a respiratory care program. She will focus on teaching and learning strategies that leverage the capabilities of mobile devices and examine their potential impacts.