Two groups of student researchers in the Department of Radiologic Sciences were conferred the top awards at the National Association of Collegiate Educators in Radiologic Technology conference in Las Vegas, Nev. in February. There were 48 papers accepted from a national pool for competitive review.
Patrick Anderson, Michelle Phelps, and Chris Schmierer, seen at right, won first place for their research paper “Cutaneous Radiation Injury from Fluoroscopically Guided C-Arm Procedures.”

Hector Zamora, Olivas Otoniel, and Taylor Spriggel, seen at left, took second place for their submission, “The Effectiveness of Shielding Against Secondary Radiation.”
Boise State had seven papers from twenty-two students, including the two winning papers and their researchers, accepted in the competitive review. Other papers accepted include:
- Grace Maritim, Kathryn Haun, and Kenzie Mabe. “The Effects of Metal on CR Reader Exposure Indicators.”
- Leah Dobler, Dalonna Fannin, Shaneen Jensen, and Hailey Schiewe. “Effects of Technique Changes on Dose, Digital Exposure Index, and Image Quality.”
- Betsy Olsen, Dan Iordanescu, and Katie Severson. “The Effects on Patient Dose When Opening Collimation Beyond a 14 x 17 Field Size.”
- Tara Kenoyer, Hayley Tucker, and Misti Walker. “The Significance of Dose to Breast Tissue.”
- Bryan Gibson, Kamri Sisson, and Kaylee Hirst. “Accurance of Recording Total Technologist Dose Based on TLD Location.”