Lee Hannah, faculty in the Department of Community and Environmental Health and researcher for the Center for Health Policy, made two presentations and one poster presentation at the American Public Health Association annual meeting, held Nov. 2-6 in Boston, Mass.
Hannah’s poster, “Effectiveness of an Integrated Patient Information System Evaluated: Using Two Medical Record Platforms and Clinic Settings,” was developed with Tim Dunnagan, dean of the College of Health Sciences, Shawn Adams, professional services consultant with Healthwise, and Martin Gabica, chief medical officer for Healthwise.
Hannah had a roundtable presentation and discussion, titled “2012 Idaho Statewide Survey of Adults 50+ to Assess Current and Future Needs for Caregiving, Assistance, and Ability to Participate in Desired Social Activities,” which was developed with Sarah Toevs, director of the Center for the Study of Aging, and Tami Fife, Master of Health Science alumnus.
Hannah also gave a presentation, titled ”Idaho School-Based Dental Sealant Program: An Evaluation of Sealant Retention & Dental Caries Prevention,” which was developed with Eric Donahue, a Health Science Studies alumnus, and Jeannie McCarthy-Jaggi, adjunct faculty for the Department of Community and Environmental Health.