If you are a researcher who works with animal models or involved in IACUCs (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees), you’ll want to stay on top of news, training opportunities, and resources from the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). These include:
- A fact sheet to get you (or your newer faculty/colleagues) up to speed on principal investigator responsibilities
- ICARE Academies (Training for IACUC members and animal program personnel) and Train the Trainer Institutes (Training for institutional IACUC trainers)
- OLAW Online Seminars (A free webinar series to help IACUCs and institutional officials with responsible oversight of research involving animals)

Want to know when new resources are created, articles are published, or new training dates are announced? Stay connected through the NIH OLAW email LISTSERV and follow OLAW on Twitter (@NIH_OLAW ).