Re-posted from the MW CTR-IN website at

The Mountain West CTR-IN seeks to fund Visiting Scholars!
providing opportunities for training in clinical and translational research
Visiting Scholar Award recipients will have the opportunity for an immersion experience with mentoring by experienced clinical and translational investigators, which is concordant with the goal of the CTR-IN to increase NIH-funded clinical translational research in the region. This is a competitive application to identify and select candidates.
- Application due date: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting August 3rd, 2015.
- Opportunity will remain open until: March 1st, 2016, or until all funds have been awarded. Decisions will be provided within 6 weeks of application submission.
- Notification date: Not later than 6 weeks after submission.
- Earliest anticipated start date: One month following notification date.
- Latest project end date: June 30th, 2016
Apply Now! For eligibility requirements and the application process click Visiting Scholars RFA

Further questions should be sent to the CREMCaD Director,