As I’ve written before here on Rock Talk, peer review is the keystone of the scientific process. I’m excited to call your attention to a website update that connects the what, when, why, and how of NIH’s peer review process.
Thanks to the contributions of NIH staff, including scientific review officers across the institutes and centers, our peer review website — Guidance for Reviewers — has a new look! The website now
provides additional context to help reviewers, as well as applicants, better understand our peer review requirements. My staff has consolidated a wealth of information for each stage of the review process, providing step-by-step instructions related to each activity and links to our eRA video tutorial series. We have also compiled reviewer “do’s and don’ts” for the pre-meeting, meeting, and post-meeting periods.
Our goal with this site update is to provide a more engaging and accessible resource for peer review process and peer review policies For new NIH reviewers, this will introduce you to the timeline and activities associated with each step of the process, and hopefully help you be better prepared for what to expect as a first-time NIH peer reviewer.. For experienced reviewers, this site explains the “why” behind the peer review procedures with which you’re already familiar.
While scientific review officers will continue to work closely with peer reviewers at each stage of the review process, I think this site update is a valuable resource for anyone interested in NIH peer review. I hope you find this resource a welcome addition and assistance to navigating NIH peer review!
Attribution: Sally Rocky, NIH Rock Talk, April 30, 2015