It is with pleasure that we announce the Boise State University campus visit from Principal Investigator Dr. Robert Langer and Project Coordinator Dr. Jim Kenyon, as part of the Mountain West Clinical Translational Research Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN). Boise State is one of 13 institutions in this partnership.
As a result of this partnership, our faculty members have the opportunity to apply for pilot grants, work with collaborators through visiting scholar opportunities, and participate in mini-sabbaticals, all in an effort to develop expertise in clinical translational research and become more competitive for federal grant opportunities. More information can be found about this program through the CTR-IN Consortium website,
Representatives from our regional consortium will be on campus on November 6 and 7, with open meetings for interested faculty. These meetings present an opportunity for you to learn about pilot grant opportunities, the visiting scholar program, the mini-sabbaticals, and matching with mentors, in addition to other services supported and offered by the CTR-IN infrastructure.
The schedule for open meetings is as follows:
College of Engineering – Thursday November 6, 10:30-12:00, location MEC 301
College of Arts and Sciences – Thursday November 6, 4:00-5:00, location ILC 315
College of Health Sciences – Friday November 7, 10:45-12:00, Norco 409
College meetings are not closed; faculty should attend the meeting time that works for them. In particular, faculty from across the university participating in clinical and translational research are encouraged to attend these meetings.