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PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision

Program faculty developed an innovative and unique apprentice model to train doctoral students as future CES faculty members and leaders in the field. Currently, the Department accepts 1-2 student every fall. PhD students meet individually with a faculty member to discuss theoretically-based readings and assignments and co-teach 2-5 times in the Masters level course. This apprentice model allows for intensive mentoring and provides students with multiple opportunities to work with faculty in the areas of teaching, supervision, research, and service.

In addition, doctoral students complete practicum (100 clock-hours) and internship (600 clock-hours) where they deepen their clinical skills, and have an opportunity to teach masters level counseling courses, provide supervision, and conduct research in collaboration with program faculty. The program includes a dissertation in which the student conducts a guided investigation of a significant CES issue. Typically, students complete a manuscript-based dissertation resulting in the submission of 2-3 manuscripts for publications. The manuscript-based dissertation allows students an opportunity to deepen their scholarly skills and to develop a research agenda.

To learn more about this program, please contact the PhD Program Coordinator, Dr. Aida Midgett at

Degree and Advising Resources

In addition to a minimum of four elective credits, students typically enroll in classes based on the following course sequence:

PRE-SUMMER (3 Credits)

EDU 650 Analysis of Research Perspectives

FALL: YEAR 1 (10 Credits)

COUN 614 Advanced Practicum (100 clock-hours lab)

COUN 602 Advanced Theories and Research in Counseling

COUN 603 Instructional Theory in CES

EDU 555 Analysis of Variance in Educational

SPRING: YEAR 1 (11 credits)

COUN 612 Research and Program Evaluation in Counseling

COUN 620 Scholarship in Counselor Education

COUN 616 Introduction to Supervision

EDU 556 Multiple Regression in Educational Research

FALL: YEAR 2 (9 credits)

COUN 613 Advanced Group Counseling

COUN 624 Advanced Supervision and Consultation

EDU 653 Qualitative Approaches to Research

SPRING: YEAR 2 (9 credits)

COUN 609 Advanced Culturally Aware

COUN 610 Leadership and Advocacy

COUN 691 Comprehensive Examination

EDU 652 Quantitative Approaches

FALL: YEAR 3 (9 credits)

COUN 626: Doctoral Internship (300 clock-hours)

COUN 693: Dissertation (proposal)

SPRING: YEAR 3 (11 credits)

COUN 628: Doctoral Internship (300 clock-hours)

COUN 693: Dissertation (defense)

COUN 592: Portfolio

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