Department Chair and Associate Chair
Dr. Aida Midgett
Department Chair and Professor
Dr. Aida Midgett is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Counselor Education at Boise State University. Born and raised in Brazil, she has been residing in the United States since 1991. Dr. Midgett obtained her doctoral degree in Educational Psychology/Counseling Psychology emphasis and her masters in Community Counseling from Northern Arizona University. Her professional background includes behavioral health and school-based research, training counselor education students, and evaluating service-learning projects related to multicultural training. Dr. Midgett has also worked as a clinician in university, agency, and in-patient mental health hospital settings. Currently her research focuses on evaluating a brief, bystander bullying intervention program in K-12 settings.
Chrisway Annex 1, Room 120Dr. Aida Midgett is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Counselor Education at Boise State University. Born and raised in Brazil, she has been residing in the United States since 1991. Dr. Midgett obtained her doctoral degree in Educational Psychology/Counseling Psychology emphasis and her masters in Community Counseling from Northern Arizona University. Her professional background includes behavioral health and school-based research, training counselor education students, and evaluating service-learning projects related to multicultural training. Dr. Midgett has also worked as a clinician in university, agency, and in-patient mental health hospital settings. Currently her research focuses on evaluating a brief, bystander bullying intervention program in K-12 settings.
Dr. Raissa Miller
Associate Chair and Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Dr. Raissa Miller, is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Idaho and Texas. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Idaho Mental Health Counselors Association, and the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies. Before joining the faculty at Boise State University, Dr. Miller practiced counseling in community agencies and private practice. Although she has been trained to see individuals across the lifespan, she primarily works with individual adults and couples. Dr. Miller specializes in applying principles of neurobiology within counseling to address a wide range of developmental and clinical concerns, including anxiety, addiction, trauma, and interpersonal distress. Her research interests include understanding the impact of integrating and teaching principles of interpersonal neurobiology to students, practitioners, and clients, as well as developing community-based research initiatives in substance abuse treatment.
Chrisway Annex 1, Room 132AAssociate Professor, Dr. Raissa Miller, is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Idaho and Texas. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Idaho Mental Health Counselors Association, and the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies. Before joining the faculty at Boise State University, Dr. Miller practiced counseling in community agencies and private practice. Although she has been trained to see individuals across the lifespan, she primarily works with individual adults and couples. Dr. Miller specializes in applying principles of neurobiology within counseling to address a wide range of developmental and clinical concerns, including anxiety, addiction, trauma, and interpersonal distress. Her research interests include understanding the impact of integrating and teaching principles of interpersonal neurobiology to students, practitioners, and clients, as well as developing community-based research initiatives in substance abuse treatment.
Dr. Diana Doumas
Distinguished Professor and Director for the Institute for the Study of Behavioral Health and Addiction
Distinguished Professor and Director for the Institute for the Study of Behavioral Health and Addiction,  Dr. Doumas is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Psychologist in Idaho. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and Research Society on Alcoholism. Her experience includes both individual and couples counseling for clients with substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal concerns. She specializes in empirically based interventions and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Her research interests include substance abuse prevention and intervention, with a focus on harm reduction and online interventions for high-risk college and high school students, and bullying prevention for elementary, middle, and high school students, with a focus on bystander intervention.
Distinguished Professor and Director for the Institute for the Study of Behavioral Health and Addiction,  Dr. Doumas is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Psychologist in Idaho. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and Research Society on Alcoholism. Her experience includes both individual and couples counseling for clients with substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and interpersonal concerns. She specializes in empirically based interventions and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Her research interests include substance abuse prevention and intervention, with a focus on harm reduction and online interventions for high-risk college and high school students, and bullying prevention for elementary, middle, and high school students, with a focus on bystander intervention.
Dr. Shelby Gonzales
Assistant Professor
Dr. Gonzales is a licensed Professional School Counselor, National Certified Counselor, and School Counseling Coordinator for the Department of Counselor Education. As a previous school counselor in urban, rural, and Title 1 schools in North and South Carolina, Dr. Gonzales has worked with K-12 students and districts with a diverse spectrum of needs. She is an active member of the American Counseling Association (ACA), Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC), American School Counseling Association (ASCA), and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). Currently, Dr. Gonzales is the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Graduate Student Representative-Past and is an ad hoc reviewer for the Professional School Counseling Journal. Her research focus lies within the field of school counseling with a focus on facilitating role understanding and interdisciplinary collaboration between pre-service and practicing school counselors and principals.
Chrisway Annex 1, Room 132BDr. Gonzales is a licensed Professional School Counselor, National Certified Counselor, and School Counseling Coordinator for the Department of Counselor Education. As a previous school counselor in urban, rural, and Title 1 schools in North and South Carolina, Dr. Gonzales has worked with K-12 students and districts with a diverse spectrum of needs. She is an active member of the American Counseling Association (ACA), Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC), American School Counseling Association (ASCA), and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES). Currently, Dr. Gonzales is the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) Graduate Student Representative-Past and is an ad hoc reviewer for the Professional School Counseling Journal. Her research focus lies within the field of school counseling with a focus on facilitating role understanding and interdisciplinary collaboration between pre-service and practicing school counselors and principals.
Dr. Raissa Miller
Associate Professor
Associate Professor, Dr. Raissa Miller, is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Idaho and Texas. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Idaho Mental Health Counselors Association, and the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies. Before joining the faculty at Boise State University, Dr. Miller practiced counseling in community agencies and private practice. Although she has been trained to see individuals across the lifespan, she primarily works with individual adults and couples. Dr. Miller specializes in applying principles of neurobiology within counseling to address a wide range of developmental and clinical concerns, including anxiety, addiction, trauma, and interpersonal distress. Her research interests include understanding the impact of integrating and teaching principles of interpersonal neurobiology to students, practitioners, and clients, as well as developing community-based research initiatives in substance abuse treatment.
Chrisway Annex 1, Room 132AAssociate Professor, Dr. Raissa Miller, is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Idaho and Texas. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Idaho Mental Health Counselors Association, and the Global Association of Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies. Before joining the faculty at Boise State University, Dr. Miller practiced counseling in community agencies and private practice. Although she has been trained to see individuals across the lifespan, she primarily works with individual adults and couples. Dr. Miller specializes in applying principles of neurobiology within counseling to address a wide range of developmental and clinical concerns, including anxiety, addiction, trauma, and interpersonal distress. Her research interests include understanding the impact of integrating and teaching principles of interpersonal neurobiology to students, practitioners, and clients, as well as developing community-based research initiatives in substance abuse treatment.
Dr. Blaine Reilly
Clinical Lecturer
Dr. Reilly is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Idaho and has a Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Counseling. He teaches both academic and clinical courses with an emphasis on Experiential Learning Theory. He serves as the Interim Addiction Coordinator for the Department of Counselor Education. Dr. Reilly’s interest lies in Experiential Learning Theory and clinical supervision. Clinically, he operates from a Gestalt therapeutic orientation emphasizing mindfulness and self-compassion. His previous research areas include mindfulness, counselors-in-training, and single-case research design (SCRD). He is a member of the American Counseling Association and the Idaho Counseling Association.
Chrisway Annex 1, Room 141Dr. Reilly is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Idaho and has a Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Counseling. He teaches both academic and clinical courses with an emphasis on Experiential Learning Theory. He serves as the Interim Addiction Coordinator for the Department of Counselor Education. Dr. Reilly’s interest lies in Experiential Learning Theory and clinical supervision. Clinically, he operates from a Gestalt therapeutic orientation emphasizing mindfulness and self-compassion. His previous research areas include mindfulness, counselors-in-training, and single-case research design (SCRD). He is a member of the American Counseling Association and the Idaho Counseling Association.
Graduate Assistants
Samantha Smith
Master of Arts in Counseling Graduate Assistant
Hailey McCormick
Master of Arts in Counseling Graduate Assistant
Quinn Bentzen
Master of Arts in Counseling Graduate Assistant
Mindy Haws
Master of Arts in Counseling Graduate Assistant
Margie Beeler
Master of Arts in Counseling Graduate Assistant