Student Forms
Academic Advisement Report
A student can use this link to view their Academic Advisement Report. This link will take you to instructions on how to access the form in myBoiseState.
Access Agreement for a Thesis or Dissertation
*Required* A graduate student uses this form to provide required certifications for the final version of their document.
Advisor Change Form
Students submit this form to request an advisor change.
Applicant Exception Request Form
Applicants should use this form to request an exception from a Graduate College admission requirement(s). This form requires the applicant to have an account in our application system. An application must be submitted and the application fee paid for in order for the exception request to be processed.
Application for Admission to Candidacy
Use this form to create a detailed plan of study listing the courses required for the degree or certificate.
If you encounter an issue opening or completing the form, please open it in an incognito or private window by right-clicking on the link and selecting that option.
Application for Directed Research (PDF)
This form is for students who wish to conduct directed research that is not part of their thesis or dissertation.
Application for Graduate Assistantship (PDF)
Use this generic form to apply for a graduate assistantship if your program does not have a customized form. Submit the form to your graduate program.
Application for Graduate Independent Study (PDF)
Use this form to obtain credit for an advanced study of a specialized topic through independent study.
Application for Practicum/Internship
Go to this Career Center link to sign up for an internship.
Application for Reading and Conference 595 (PDF)
To take a Reading and Conference course return this form to the Registrar’s Office.
Appointment of Supervisory Committee
Use this form to officially list the chair and members of committee that provide guidance for a student’s graduate program; required for thesis or doctoral students.
If you encounter an issue opening or completing the form, please open it in an incognito or private window by right-clicking on the link and selecting that option.
Approval Page for Electronic Copy (Dissertation) (DOC)
A dissertation (doctoral) student uses this template to document the signed Defense Committee Approval and Final Reading Approval pages for the electronic version.
Approval Page for Electronic Copy (Thesis) (DOC)
A thesis (master’s) student uses this template to document the signed Defense Committee Approval and Final Reading Approval pages for the electronic version.
Defense Notification
*Required* Use this online form to notify the Graduate College that a graduate defense has been scheduled and provide details of the presentation for public announcement.
Defense Committee Approval (PDF)
*Required* A thesis (master’s) and dissertation (doctoral) student uses this template to prepare the approval page to take to their defense. Requires all committee members’ signatures immediately following a successful defense and is then submitted to the Graduate College.
Embargo Request for a Thesis or Dissertation
A graduate student uses this form if they require an embargo on their thesis or dissertation.
Please submit an Embargo Request in place of the Access Agreement form.
Graduate Appeal Form (PDF)
Students submit this form to request an appeal to a Graduate College policy or regulation. The Graduate College is the final arbiter in the process of requesting an exception to Graduate College policy. The Graduate College reviews an appeal one time.
Graduation Application
A student can use this link to apply for graduation after the Application for Admission to Candidacy has been approved. This link will take you to myBoiseState where you will apply for graduation on-line. This is not a form.
Graduation Verification Letter Request
Students submit this form if they are in their last semester and need a letter to verify their graduation status e.g. immigration purposes or employers.
Graduation Verification Letter Request for Graduate Students
Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of an Ed.D. Student (PDF)
Use this link to download the rules governing an Ed.D. defense (dissertation oral exam).
Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of an Ed.D. Student Form (PDF)
Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of a Ph.D. Student (PDF)
Use this link to download the rules governing a Ph.D. defense (dissertation oral exam).
Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of a Ph.D. Student Form (PDF)
Program Change Request (PDF)
Students and advisors use this form to change from one graduate degree or program/track into a different degree or program/track within the same field of study.
Recommendation for Dismissal from a Graduate Program
This form is submitted to the Graduate College immediately if a student is recommended by the program for dismissal from a graduate program.
Report of Failure of Comprehensive Examination (PDF)
This form is submitted to the Graduate College immediately after a student has failed the comprehensive exam. Requires all committee members’ signatures.
Report of Failure of Final Oral Examination (PDF)
The Chair of the Supervisory Committee or the Graduate Faculty Representative submits this form to the Graduate College immediately after a student fails the final oral examination. Requires all committee members’ signatures.
Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirements
Students and advisors use this form to change the list of courses required for completion of the degree approved on the Application to Candidacy.
If you encounter an issue opening or completing the form, please open it in an incognito or private window by right-clicking on the link and selecting that option.
Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirements
Request for Adjustment of Academic Requirements InstructionsÂ
Request for Approval of Transfer Credits
Use this form to request approval of transfer credits for use on the list of degree requirements found on the Application for Admission to Candidacy.
If you encounter an issue opening or completing the form, please open it in an incognito or private window by right-clicking on the link and selecting that option.
Request to Repeat a Graduate Course (PDF)
To ask to repeat a course, a student submits this form to the Registrar’s Office after approval from the program coordinator.
ScholarWorks Authorization for a Selected Graduate Project (PDF)
Submission of this form is required before a graduate student’s project can be archived in ScholarWorks.
ScholarWorks Authorization for a Selected Graduate Project Form (PDF)
Thesis/Dissertation Formatting Requirements Checklist
Students submit this form if they are in their last semester and need a letter to verify their graduation status e.g. immigration purposes or employers.
Graduation Verification Letter Request for Graduate Students