How is Showcase Judged?
Faculty judges will be randomly assigned to each entry, with the faculty being drawn from outside of the College or School of the student that submitted the work.
Each entry will be judged by at least two judges. The judges will utilize a common rubric for each poster, or a common rubric for each artistic entry, past examples of which can be found here:
When the judging is completed, a z score will be calculated for each entry – we will calculate the judge-specific average and standard deviation measured across all entries that the judge provided scores for. For each individual entry, the judge’s average score (measured across all scores that the judge submits,) will be subtracted from the individual score, and that total will be divided by the standard deviation of the judge’s submitted scores. The average z score, measured for each entry, across the judges that judged that entry, will be calculated in order to determine the winners.
The Graduate College will not reveal the voting outcomes or provide individual feedback on poster or artistic entries, although we will list the winners in each category on our webpage prior to the Awards Ceremony.
For feedback on your individual entry, we encourage you to meet with your advisor, committee members, and/or other faculty members in your program.