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Randi Wichman

Competitor Profile

  • Randi Wichman headshot


    Congratulations to the 2022 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Randi’s research below!

    Advisor: Manda Hicks

    Congratulations to the 2022 Three Minute Thesis finalists! Leading up to the final event, competitors have taken part in workshops and coaching sessions to cultivate their academic, presentation, and research communication skills.

    Learn more about Randi’s research below!


Rural Embodiments of Femininity: An Autoethnographic Approach to Gender Narratives

The socialization one experiences throughout their lifetime informs their communication behaviors with others around them. Coming of age in a rural, Westernized geography instilled in me a unique sense of femininity that was constructed to compliment the narratives significant to the cultural context of Rural America. This research discusses multiple dominant and marginalized forms of gender and these identities’ relationships to the gendered experiences that I had growing up in rural Montana. This autoethnography is composed of narrated experiences, pre-teen assessments, and poetic descriptions of the disciplining I was confronted with throughout my childhood in my small, ranching community. I utilize feminist scholarship and interpretivist-informed paradigms to investigate my interpersonal experiences from multiple reflective perspectives to provide a rich and nuanced evaluation of the long-term impacts enforcing cultural scripts on others can beget.
Keywords: Rurality, Interpersonal Relationships, Gender, Sexuality, Autoethnography, Adolescent Development, Cultural Scripts