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Request Parental Leave for Graduate Assistants

Before completing this form, please review the full Parental Leave for Graduate Assistants university policy below.

Parental Leave for Graduate Assistants (Policy 7580)

Request Form

This form is used by eligible Graduate Assistants who would like to request a parental leave of absence due to a birth or adoption of a child. Parental Leave must be requested at least 60 days prior to the child’s anticipated due date/adoption date, absent any unforeseeable circumstances.

  • Please Select OneAnthropologyAccountancyArt, Design, and Visual StudiesBiological SciencesBusiness AdministrationChemistry and BiochemistryCivil EngineeringCommunication and MediaCommunity and Environmental HealthComputer ScienceCounselor EducationCriminal JusticeCurriculum, Instruction, and Foundational StudiesEarly and Special EducationEconomicsEducational TechnologyEnglishGenetic CounselingGeosciencesHistoryInterdisciplinary StudiesKinesiologyLiteracy, Language, and CultureMathematicsMechanical and Biomechanical EngineeringMicron School of Materials Science and EngineeringMusicNursingOrganizational Performance and Workplace LearningPolitical SciencePsychologyPublic Policy & AdministrationRespiratory CareSocial WorkTheatre, Film and Creative WritingWorld LanguagesOther
  • Please list your department or unit here if you do not see it above.
  • Graduate Research AssistantGraduate Service AssistantGraduate Teaching Assistant
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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