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Graduate Assistant Health Insurance

Health Insurance

General Information

A Graduate Assistantship (GA) award covers full payment of the monthly premium costs for the GA health insurance plan. The current GA plan is a student plan and the insurance provider is Aetna using the Open Choice PPO network.

Plan Information

If you are a current student, visit Aetna Student Health as your one-stop for all your plan information needs. The portal includes materials for the GA health insurance plan, including how-to videos, benefits summaries, pharmacy information, forms, and how to obtain your ID card. Check out the health insurance plan flyer for additional information.

Health Services

University Health Services provides on-campus primary care, urgent care, counseling, and immunizations and offers additional care that may be included in your health plan such as visits with a dietitian and massage therapy. Most services are provided under the GA plan at no charge.


Enrollment in the GA health insurance plan is automatic and mandatory. GA health insurance can be waived if you have other eligible coverage. Contact directly to request a health insurance waiver form.

Coverage Dates

The GA health insurance coverage starts on the first day of the month of your first day of work (i.e., if the first day worked is August 1-31, insurance begins August 1).*

The GA health insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month of your last day of work (i.e., if the last day worked is May 1-31, insurance ends May 31).*

*Exception: If you are a GA in the Spring term and receive a confirmed appointment for the following Fall term by June 1, your GA insurance will continue during the summer without a break in service.

Plan year dates as it relates to the annual deductible and out-of-pocket limits are August 1 – July 31.


Verifying Coverage

Graduate College
(208) 426-1039

Aetna Customer Service
(877) 480-4161