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Faculty Forms

Approval Page for Electronic Copy (Dissertation) (DOC)

A dissertation (doctoral) student uses this template to document the signed Defense Committee Approval and Final Reading Approval pages for the electronic version.

Approval Page for Electronic Copy Form (Dissertation) (DOC)

Approval Page for Electronic Copy (Thesis) (DOC)

A thesis (master’s) student uses this template to document the signed Defense Committee Approval and Final Reading Approval pages for the electronic version.

Approval Page for Electronic Copy Form (Thesis) (DOC)

Graduate Faculty Nomination

This form is completed by the Chair of the Department to request Graduate Faculty, Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Affiliate Graduate Faculty or Emeritus Graduate Faculty status so that a person can serve on a graduate committee, serve as an instructor of a graduate course, or administer a comprehensive exam.

Graduate Faculty Nomination Form

Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of an Ed.D. Student (PDF)

Use this link to download the rules governing an Ed.D. defense (dissertation oral exam).

Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of an Ed.D. Student Form (PDF)

Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of a Ph.D. Student (PDF)

Use this link to download the rules governing a Ph.D. defense (dissertation oral exam).

Procedures for the Final Oral Examination of a Ph.D. Student Form (PDF)

Recommendation for Dismissal from a Graduate Program

This form is submitted to the Graduate College immediately if a student is recommended by the program for dismissal from a graduate program.

Recommendation for Dismissal from a Graduate Program Form

Report of Failure of Comprehensive Examination (PDF)

This form is submitted to the Graduate College immediately after a student has failed the comprehensive exam. Requires all committee members’ signatures.

Report of Failure of Comprehensive Examination Form (PDF)

Report of Failure of Final Oral Examination (PDF)

The Chair of the Supervisory Committee or the Graduate Faculty Representative submits this form to the Graduate College immediately after a student fails the final oral examination. Requires all committee members’ signatures.

Report of Failure of Final Oral Examination Form (PDF)

Scholarship Recommendation Form

Use this form to recommend students for the Gem Scholarship and WRGP Scholarship.

Scholarship Recommendation