This page will give an overview of and instructions for the Appointment of Supervisory Committee form (ASC). It can be found on our forms page.
The Appointment of Supervisory Committee form is used by students who intend to complete a thesis or dissertation.
How do I find committee members?
The supervisory committee consists of a major advisor who serves as chair, plus at least two but no more than four additional members. The major advisor is the primary mentor for the student. Each member of the committee must be an approved Graduate Faculty member. Students will work with their program and advisor to determine who is a good fit for their committee.
Filling out the Form
Each committee member will be listed one person per line. Type each member’s name in lowercase. As you fill in each field, drop down options will appear where you can select the official name of each member. If you do not have an email address for a member you can look them up in the Boise State Directory.
Committee Chair
To serve as a Supervisory Committee chair (or co-chair) one must be a current full-time employee of Boise State University, be a current member of the Graduate Faculty, and be endorsed by the associated program. Endorsements to chair graduate committees are indicated in the Approved Graduate Faculty list.
Graduate Faculty Representative
Doctoral students will need an additional member to their committee, a Graduate Faculty Representative (GFR). The GFR is a non-voting member of your committee dedicated to monitoring the defense and upholding Boise State values. The GFR cannot be a member of the Graduate Program or College (or affiliated programs in the case of an interdisciplinary program) that is granting the doctoral degree. Students will work with their advisor and program to find the Graduate Faculty Representative.
Adding a Member who is not Approved Graduate Faculty
If you have an individual in mind for your committee who is not an Approved Graduate Faculty member contact your program or advisor. A Graduate Faculty Nomination form can be filled out to add individuals to the Approved Graduate Faculty list.
Submitting the Appointment of Supervisory Committee form
Once all fields have been filled in and all committee members have been listed, click the ‘Validate Request’ button at the bottom of the page. A new button option should appear if all fields can be validated. Click ‘Submit Request’. You will receive an email confirmation, sent to your BroncoMail, once your form has been processed.
Feel free to contact the Graduate College with any questions or concerns.