This page gives an overview of and instructions for the Application for Admission to Candidacy form (AAC). It can be found on our forms page.
The Application for Admission to Candidacy is a form all graduate students submit before they apply for graduation. The Graduate College uses this form to ensure each student has taken the necessary courses to receive their diploma. On the Candidacy form, students will list each course they have taken or will take towards their degree.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I view my past and future courses?
The easiest way to view the courses you have already completed and the grades you received in each course is to view the Academic Advisement Report (AAR). View instructions for generating the Academic Advisement Report.
To view courses you have not yet taken but will need to take, you can access the Graduate Catalog. A student’s catalog year can be determined by their starting term. Students can use degree requirements from any catalog year in which they have taken a course.
Once you have pulled up the AAR and catalog, you are now ready to access the Application for Admission to Candidacy form.
How do I fill out the AAC?
Open the Application for Admission to Candidacy through the Graduate College forms page. If you have not already logged into your myBoiseState account, you will be prompted to do so.
The first portion of the AAC is personal information asking for Name, Program, ID # and intended graduation term.
The second portion of the AAC is where you list all courses you have taken or will take toward your degree. Each course will use one line and must include information in each field. Do not leave any blank fields in the AAC. Listing classes can be entered in any order; the classes do not need to be listed chronologically.
If your Thesis or Dissertation requires the use of human, animal, or bio-hazardous materials or subjects please indicate this on your Candidacy form. If you do not have a Thesis or Dissertation leave this field blank.
Supervisory Committee
If your program requires a Thesis or Dissertation defense you will need to submit your Appointment of Supervisory Committee form. Indicate whether or not you have submitted your supervisory form. If your program does not have a Thesis or Dissertation option then you will mark ‘Not Required’.
Degree Requirements
Requirement Type
There are 12 options for the Requirement type drop-down field: Core Course, Culminating Activity, Elective, Emphasis Area, Cognate, Examination, Methods, Performance, Proposal, Research, Seminar, and Other Requirement.
Core Courses are classes that must be taken by each student within the program. Culminating Activity courses are for students who enroll in Project, Portfolio, Thesis, Dissertation, Capstone Course, Practicums, Comprehensive Examinations or Recital courses. Electives are courses taken to fulfill elective requirements. Emphasis Area courses are taken to show a particular focus in a field of study.  Proposal classes are used to propose a Dissertation or Thesis topic.  Performance classes show courses taken to display a show or performance.  Examination, Methods, Research, Seminar, and Cognate courses are taken as specific degree requirements. The Other Requirement label will be used if a course does not fit any of the previously mentioned options.
Course Prefix
This is a letter label showing the department or academic unit offering the course. Examples of Course Prefixes: NURS, EDU, COMPUT, BIOL.
Course Number
The three-digit numerical code assigned to each class after the Course Prefix.
Course Title
The official title of the course as it appears in the catalog or Academic Advisement Report.
How many credits is the course worth at time of completion.
What grade did you receive in the course. If you have not yet taken the course or, if the course is not yet graded, select the ‘In Progress’ option.
What semester did you complete the course.
What year did you complete the course.
How do I submit the AAC?
Once all courses have been listed, be sure to double-check the total number of credits calculated at the bottom of the form. Be sure the total number of credits matches the total number of credits within the Graduate Catalog for your particular program.
Click the ‘Validate Request’ button at the bottom of the page. A new button option should appear if all fields can be validated. Click ‘Submit Form’. You will receive an email confirmation, sent to your Bronco mail account, once your form has been processed.
Feel free to contact the Graduate College with any questions or concerns.