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Help us Make a Global Impact

The Center for Global Engagement advances Boise State University’s global recognition as a metropolitan, research university and provides leadership and coordination for campus-wide internationalization efforts and initiatives.

To this end, the Center for Global Engagement is committed to supporting students whose global pursuits promise to make a positive impact in Idaho and the world. By contributing to the Center for Global Engagement funds, you will be part of the success of our global scholars.

Our Scholarship Funds

Global Excellence Fund

Photos of students

This fund supports talented international students with scholarship funds to meet financial responsibilities associated with tuition, fees, and living expenses. During 2023-2024, the fund will support students who experience global crises/emergencies.

Intensive English Program
Dr. Dorothy Strickland Scholarship

Group of students holding a sign that says thankful

This fund provides Intensive English Program tuition scholarships to underserved, multi-lingual students who need additional English Language support. Last year these funds co-sponsored scholarships to 14 students. Support future English language learners today!

Global Excellence Fund

students perform music at event

This fund supports talented international students with scholarship funds to meet financial responsibilities associated with tuition, fees, and living expenses. During 2023-2024, the fund will support students who experience global crises/emergencies.

Support for Students Studying Abroad

Domingo Ansotegui / Lynne Fereday Scholarship

Photo of Bilbao

This fund provides scholarships to qualifying students who have been admitted to study abroad in the Basque country.

Eto Scholarship

Photo of students

This fund provides a scholarship to students who are approved to study abroad in Asia or Oceania.

International Learning Admin Fund

This fund serves the operational needs to advance Global Learning Opportunities at the Director’s discretion.

Support the Center for Global Engagement

Give to the Center for Global Engagement’s funds through the Boise State Foundation. Visit