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International Education Week 2024 – Event Submission

Please consider submitting proposal for events and programs for International Education Week (IEW) 2024. All events will take place during the week of November 18-22.

You may also apply for IEW mini grant funding. Awards will be up to $500. Only academic affairs and student affairs units are eligible for funding. Students groups cannot be considered.

Deadline for proposal submission, Friday, October 18, 2024

IEW 2024 Proposal Submission

Name of the person submitting this form(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Events should be proposed during International Education Week (November 18 - 22)
This is for room reservation purposes
1) Describe the event (lecture, activity, campus visit, etc.). 2) Describe how this event promotes international learning for the Boise State campus.
Do you wish to be considered for IEW mini grant funding?
Requests cannot exceed $500
Max. file size: 10 MB.
Upload any information that will help us understand your request. For example, an event flyer, speaker biography, etc.