Atascadero, California
Sociology, minor in Gerontology
Education, Teaching English as a Second Language in High School
I wanted to experience a different culture by fully immersing myself, rather than just quick service trips. I wanted to learn a different language and build relationships, beyond just those I would find in America. I also knew that as much as I could bring to the table, the people of my host country would bring just as much to me. It was really about creating relationships and sharing experiences. Also, what I could learn, and have learned, I have been able to share with people back home.
General pieces of info about life in Armenia: I was an Education Volunteer, where I taught English at a high school, alongside my Armenian counterpart. Life in Armenia (or Hayastan) is slow and everybody was friendly and always willing to have you over for a cup of coffee and some candy. It is a culture based on relationships and community, which for a Peace Corps Volunteer, allowed me to build a solid community of people I consider to be like family. Being a Peace Corps Volunteer in Armenia was well worth it with the relationships I have built and the time I have spent seeing the beauty of this country.