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Jingxian Hu, Assistant Professor


Watch Jingxian’s video here, or read the transcript below:

I’m from the Department of Economics.  Studying abroad and working abroad means a lot to me: it means I could have the opportunity to pursue what I love to do and also make meaning in the world, to make it a better place. Therefore, I’m very grateful for the help and support from people who liked to give me a chance, and also always looked for the good in me.  Maybe we have never met before, but it is an understanding and willingness of an open mind that brings us together.

I study microeconomics of the open economy, in particular how the international financial integration will influence the dynamics of the open economy and how the policymakers should respond in order to achieve macroeconomics stability.  From our recent experiments, we have learned that the world is connected in many ways.  The effect of policy in one economy may pass to other economies and the spillover effect may be also echoed back.

In my spare time I like drawing, listening to music, and reading books.