Hello everyone, it is a pleasure to meet you in this way during this special time.
I am Jing Xie, a visiting student from Central South University in China. It is my third year as a doctoral student in Applied Geophysics there.
I came to the United States last December. This is my first time to go abroad and be away from family for so long. Although I am homesick, my new life here has been giving me a lot of surprises and fun, which fills my spiritual needs and makes my life more fulfilling and interesting. For nearly a year in Boise State, I have experienced the new culture no matter local customs or food, have made new friends no matter Americans or international friends, and, of course, have done some interesting research under the guidance of my advisor – Dr. Niu. All of these have had a great help and positive impact on my life and study.
My original research in Central South University is numerical modeling and inversion imaging of dynamic self-potential signals generated by the microbial degradation of organic contaminants. Here, my research topic is hydrogeophysics. Specifically, it is to study soil properties by inverting hydraulic parameters through geophysical data like self-potential signals and electric conductivity. The reason why I came to Boise State is that my advisor can provide me with the best guidance, the laboratory can provide me with the best experimental equipment, and the campus can provide me with the best environment.
In my eyes, international education can not only broaden our horizon and cultivate our scientific research ability, but enable us to make more international friends and experience different cultures. I am honored and fortunate to be here in the United States and Boise State. I will cherish my time here.
Finally, as Thanksgiving approaches, I want to express my gratitude to those who make the world more beautiful, peaceful, and friendly.