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Important Italy Information

Mini grants

Global Learning  has a limited amount of funding to provide financial support to campus events, activities and lectures that promote and support campus internationalization.  Awards are limited to academic or student affairs units.  Student groups or student clubs are not eligible for funding. All funds are subject to university financial procedures and policies, including tax reporting if applicable.

Priority for the October 1 deadline will be given to activities offered during International Education Week, November 13-17.


  • October 1
  • December 1
  • March 1

Awards for Campus International Activities

Awards are $600 (maximum) and are limited to one per individual per academic year.  Acknowledgement of Global Learning  is appreciated for event sponsorship.  The following areas are encouraged:

  • International films, lectures, or discussions by visiting lecturers or artists
  • Support for international visitors (be advised that some categories of support may be subject to US taxes)
  • Events or activities that engage students to learn about other countries or cultures

Apply for funding here