Global Learning is committed to providing support services and resources to faculty with respect to international collaboration, partnerships, research, teaching, grant development, internationalization, and travel. There are a variety of ways that faculty and staff at Boise State can gain international experience. Whether by studying, teaching, or researching abroad; by incorporating an international dimension into their classes, or even by leading a course overseas.
Whether you are looking to develop or expand a research project with an overseas university, introduce international topics into your teaching, build collegial networks, or enhance your personal international expertise and knowledge, these resources can lead you in the right direction. If you have questions that are not addressed on this site, please contact us at (208) 426-2630.
Global Collaboration Projects: Virtual Exchanges in the Classroom
The Global Collaboration Projects (GCP) program supports curricular internationalization by promoting global learning in the classroom and allowing Boise State students and students from partner partner universities jointly analyze and address complex problems that transcend borders (Landorf & Dosher, 2018). Without needing to engage in cross border mobility, GCP allows Boise State students and students from our global network of partner universities to engage and forge meaningful connections.
Learn More About GCP