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Peace Corps prep faculty fellow

Global Learning Peace Corps Prep Faculty Fellow


Peace Corps Prep at  Boise State University is a program where students gain the skills and experience to make them competitive applicants for the national Peace Corps program and other international development programs. Global Learning manages this program through a formal partnership with the Peace Corps national office.


$3,000/year, deposited into the fellow’s departmental account as professional development funds.


  • One academic year, a second year is preferred
  • Time commitment is estimated to range between two to four hours during the academic year


  • Faculty member at Boise State (adjunct, lecturer, tenure track)
  • Peace Corps experience preferred
  • Experience living, working or studying abroad required

Outcomes to be met

  • Program marketing (tabling at Career Fair, Study abroad)
  • Connect with sector advisors and faculty members regarding the program
  • Revamp forms, recruitment, and academic materials
  • Organize one event during International Education Week with a Peace Corps focus
  • Submit annual program report to Senior Director of Global Learning and to Peace Corps Prep program

 Please contact Corrine Henke, Senior Director of Global Learning or (208) 426-2630 if you are interested in this opportunity.