Endowed professorships underwrite salary and other related costs for tenured faculty who exhibit special academic promise. Professorships may be offered to attract faculty who are rising stars in their fields or to recognize academic achievement by current faculty.
For example, the Lee Pesky Learning Center was founded in 1997 in honor of Alan and Wendy Pesky’s son, Lee. And, thanks to the generosity of Alan and Wendy, College of Education faculty member Evelyn Johnson is the center’s Scientific Director and holds the Lee Pesky Learning Center Endowed Professor position.
Endowed Chairs
Endowed chairs are among the highest honors in academic life and are some of the most important gifts to higher education – vital tools to ensure faculty excellence. Endowed chairs honor and recognize the distinction of superior faculty by providing invaluable financial support – above and beyond salary – for use in research, teaching or service activities. Endowed chairs confer significant prestige upon the university, college and department they represent, making these positions very attractive to potential faculty.