Building Community Resilience to Hazards
This year’s Spring Celebration was a virtual meeting led by Brittany Brand, associate professor and director of the Hazard & Climate Resilience Institute (HCRI) in the Department of Geosciences focusing on community resilience. It was presented as a benefit to members of the Boise State President’s Club. Watch the following presentation, scroll to explore more about resilience and then provide feedback on future presentations via the form at the end of this page.
What is Resilience?
Resilience refers to a community’s ability to prepare for, respond and adapt to, and recover from an adverse event or condition. The ability for a community to thrive. Promoting community resilience requires collaboration across many levels of society and professional disciplines.
Resilience in Action
The Hazard & Climate Resilience Institute (HCRI) is a community of researchers and practitioners dedicated to improving society’s resilience to natural hazards and the impacts of a changing climate.
Featured Presenter
Brittany Brand is an Associate Professor in Geosciences and Director of the Hazard and Climate Resilience Institute (HCRI). Her research interests range from volcanic eruption dynamics to natural hazard communication strategies and promoting community resilience. As director for the HCRI, Dr. Brand fosters community collaboration to proactively build resilience to hazards and the impacts of a changing climate. Her work with the HCRI explores how environmental, social, economic, infrastructure, and leadership factors promote or inhibit resilience. Further, she strives to breakdown disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional silos to foster regional collaborations for a resilient society.
Tell us what you thought.
As we look to provide more experiences via this format, we would love to get your feedback. Submit your feedback by filling out the following form.
Post-Webinar Survey
President's Club
The President’s Club is the university’s leadership annual giving society that recognizes donors whose charitable contributions to all funds, projects and philanthropic initiatives total $1,000 and above. Members are recognized with donor courtesies including exclusive experiences, special recognition and communications.
You Make it Possible
Because of you, we can accomplish our vision: To become a nationally recognized research and training institute that facilitates the transfer and application of risk and resilience knowledge amongst stakeholders. We can also work more effectively to reduce the impacts of future hazards and climate change by cultivating social and environmental equity.
Matthew Wordell
Music Credit:
Enthusiast – Tours
Enthusiast by Tours
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
PAINT IT! by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library
(Song rearranged to adapt to video length)