The president of the Bronco Athletic Association (BAA) in 2013 and 2014, Dr. Bob Beede has witnessed firsthand the impact of planned giving. Recognizing the difference his philanthropy makes in students’ lives, he decided to support student-athletes by leaving a percentage of his estate to athletic scholarships at Boise State University.
“When I was president, we were trying to grow planned giving,” Beede said. “I already established a scholarship endowment for football, but I felt that more needed to be done in the direction of estate planning. I felt it critical for the future of Boise State, and as the president, I wanted to set an example for the other BAA members.
Scholarships are important to student-athletes, easing financial pressure and allowing them to focus on their academics and athletics. Support and security are valuable pieces of their success.
“Scholarships are critical for the future of these kids, and the stability it provides for them to grow and prosper and become productive citizens,” Beede said.
Bob Beede
Beede first considered giving through his estate — in which a percentage of his assets would be donated to Boise State — while serving as president of the BAA. As he watched students develop into dedicated athletes, he noticed a need for funding in the athletic department. Seeing the perseverance and promise of these student-athletes, Beede wanted to be a model of leadership. He hopes his gifts contribute to the strength of the athletic department, promote student support and success on the field, and encourage other donors to consider their own estate plans.
“Once the person’s gone, their giving is done,” Beede said. “They’re not going to give daily or annually to Boise State, but they can make it possible through planned giving, and that’s a legacy they can leave with Boise State Athletics.”
Bob Beede
Gifts like Beede’s are essential to empowering students, establishing a foundation of success and spurring further philanthropy. Bart Hendricks, development director for gift planning at Boise State, said Beede’s gift was significant, and hopes others will follow his lead in considering planned gifts.
“It is important that we recognize and honor the impact a donor can make with a deferred gift,” Hendricks said. “At times we receive gifts from an estate that we are unaware of and therefore could not properly honor the donor during their lifetime. So we fully appreciate the foresight and generosity of Dr. Beede and his late wife, Suzy, to make Boise State University one of the beneficiaries of their estate, supporting their scholarship in athletics. Though the immediacy of their gift will not be felt, it will make a significant impact on future Bronco student-athletes and cement their legacy of giving to Boise State.”
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About the Author: Lily Tindle-Hardy

Lily Tindle-Hardy is a student communications specialist/writer within University Advancement. Lily is a junior studying English, and she recently transferred to Boise State after earning an associate of arts from Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Ore. She assists the UA Comms team with writing projects, including donor stories, and capturing the student’s “voice” in impact features.
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