Boise State University’s Institute of Pervasive Cybersecurity, Energy Policy Institute, and TechHelp Idaho are collaborating to enable the first university in Idaho to join the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute.
The CyManII partnership ecosystem is currently comprised of over 50 proposed members including three Department of Energy National Laboratories (Idaho National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories), four Manufacturing Innovation Institutes, universities like Boise State, industry leaders and nonprofits. The goal of this national network of members is to drive impact across the nation by solving the biggest challenges facing cybersecurity in the U.S manufacturing industry.
CyManII partners will meet this goal by researching, developing and implementing a national vision for manufacturing cybersecurity that unleashes U.S. innovation. The technical innovations discovered through this research will drive a cyber-secure and energy-efficient U.S. manufacturing enterprise and workforce.
To benefit the United States, CyManII intends to secure the cyber ecosystem of U.S. manufacturers and their supply chains against nation-state adversaries and other cybercriminals. Doing so will enable: the securing of one quad of energy (approximately 1% of the annual U.S. energy budget, returning over $20 billion to manufacturers); detection and mitigation up to one trillion cyber vulnerability instances; modernization of the American work force for cyber and energy-efficient manufacturing; and training of the next generation of manufacturers in cybersecurity for intelligent and energy-efficient manufacturing.
These benefits will secure and sustain U.S. leadership in global manufacturing competitiveness for current and future decades. Via our secure manufacturing architecture, CyManII also introduces a novel return on investment for companies to implement a secure measurement and verification across the nation’s automated manufacturing operations and their supply chains.