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Fraternity and Sorority Life Task Force


Recent years have been some of the most problematic for fraternities and sororities across the nation. Since 2017, there have been six hazing deaths nationally. Hundreds of chapters have been closed and scores of universities have shut down entire systems.

Our Boise State fraternity and sorority community has seen its own challenges over the last few semesters as well. There is a pattern of behavior within chapters that endangers student welfare and undermines university objectives of belonging and student well being.


It is evident that significant organizational development is needed to both reform the Boise State fraternity and sorority community and position our chapters for long term success. The task force will consult widely with those who have a stake in the university’s mission and examine research and high-impact practices that contribute to student growth and development. The objective of the task force is to recommend a framework for fraternity and sorority excellence at Boise State. 

The Task Force is predominantly composed of students with university staff members also serving as members. Chapter advisors, faculty and staff, university administrators, and headquarters staff will be invited to specific meetings depending on the topic.