Your Support System

One of the most important features of Bronco Gap Year is the amount of support you receive. As a Gap Year student, you will connect with a community of students–what we call your “Gap Group.”
Gap Groups Include:
- 3-5 Gap Year students
- A Faculty Guide and a Peer Guide
- Personalized support
- Connections to people and resources
- Monthly meetings to discuss goals, progress, and ideas
What Do Gap Groups Provide?
To focus your gap year experience, you will identify a main goal, what we call your “theme.” Your chosen theme does not limit you. Instead, it provides direction for your gap year.
Participants are grouped with students who are taking a similar gap year (before or during college) and share an interest in the same theme. Your group provides the opportunity to build community with peers while you each work on your projects and goals.
Gap years are all about exploration and self-discovery. If you find that you want to change or add to your theme, you can. Your theme is your starting point, but we know your interests will evolve–that’s the point!
Gap Group Themes
We offer a series of themes to help you focus your interests. It can be overwhelming to answer questions like “What are your goals?” and “What are you passionate about?” The themes help to provide a starting point for you to name your interests. They also help us create Gap Groups based on shared interests.
Click through the tabs to get a sense of the themes and the types of projects students have done in each theme.