To know all the federal, state, institutional, and private student financial assistance programs available, including both need-based and non-need-based programs.
To know the procedures, forms, deadlines, and eligibility requirements to apply for assistance; the criteria for selecting aid recipients and determining the amount of aid awarded.
To know the procedures, forms, deadlines, and eligibility requirements for a program of Study Abroad.
To know the cost of attending Boise State, how those costs are determined, and how your estimated expenses are developed.
To know what resources we have considered in calculating your financial need, how the Expected Family Contribution was determined and how much of your financial need has been met.
To know how and when disbursement of financial aid is made, how refunds are issued from Title IV student assistance programs, and Boise State’s refund policy for costs paid to Boise State.
To know the terms and conditions of any loans, employment, scholarships, or grant aid you receive.
To know the policies and procedures used to maintain confidentiality of financial aid records. Only those individuals who directly handle the application have a right to know or access the information. Boise State University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
To know that disclosure of your financial aid information may be made to other school officials, including teachers, within the university whom the university has determined to have legitimate educational interests and to officials of another postsecondary school , where you receive services or seek to enroll.
To know who to contact and how to contact financial aid personnel regarding information on financial aid.
To know the academic programs of Boise State, the facilities available, and the faculty and instructional personnel.
To know the names of bodies that accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs and how their documents may be reviewed.
To know the completion or graduation rate of students.
To know statistics on the receipt of athletic-related student aid.
To know campus security policies and crime statistics.
To know what facilities and services are available to students with disabilities.
It is your responsibility:
To read and consider all information about Boise State before you enroll.
To complete all Boise State forms thoroughly and accurately and submit them to the appropriate office(s) by required deadlines.
To accurately and honestly complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Errors can result in delays. False or misleading information is a criminal offense and is subject to a $20,000 fine, imprisonment, or both.
To use any federal, state-appropriated, or institutional financial aid received during the award year solely for expenses related to attendance at Boise State University.
To comply with verification requirements (if you are selected for verification), provide verification or additional information as requested by Boise State, and submit corrections or new information, as appropriate.
To read, understand, and accept responsibility for all forms or agreements you sign. We recommend you keep copies for your records.
To notify Boise State Financial Aid and Scholarships Office if you attend two schools at the same time. You can only receive federal or state aid at one school at a time.
To report to Boise State Financial Aid and Scholarships Office if you are in default on a student loan or if you owe a refund or repayment on any educational grant received from any school.
To notify your student loan lender of changes in your name, address, and school status.
To perform the work agreed upon when you accept a work-study award and job.
To know and to comply with the following Boise State policies and procedures as they relate to financial aid: enrollment status for aid disbursement, satisfactory academic progress, withdrawal, refund/repayment, and debt management.
To keep your address and phone number current on myBoiseState or with the Registrar’s Office located in the Administration Building, room 110.