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Capital Construction


Please review Boise State University Policy 9280, Capital Projects and Space Management, for information on University policy and procedure for requesting capital improvements and Boise State University Policy 6030, Contractual Agreement, for information on approval procedures for contract and lease agreements that obligate Boise State University.

Idaho State Board of Education Policy Section  V.K.

1. Authorization Limits

Glacier tax Prep assistanceUP 300 (University Plaza)3/11/192:00pm – 5:05pm
Glacier tax Prep assistanceUP 300 (University Plaza)3/15/199:00am – 11:05am
Glacier tax Prep assistanceUP 300 (University Plaza)3/26/191:30pm – 3:20pm
State tax return Prep assistanceAlumni Center3/13/193:00pm – 5:00pm
State tax return Prep assistanceAlumni center3/13/196:00pm – 8:00pm


Project Approvals

Prior to commencement of project (if project cost is estimated to be between five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) and one million dollars $1,000,000) it must be approved by the State Board of Education Executive Director.  Please contact for requirements for such a submission.

Example of memo submission to SBOE executive director:
Request Approval – John B. Barnes Towers Elevator Replacement

Note: Include copies of pertinent supporting documents, e.g. purchase order, contracts.

Major Project Approvals – Proposed Plans

If the cost of the project is estimated to exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000), it must be submitted to the full Board prior to commencement of project for its review and approval. Please contact for requirements for such a submission.

Example of Agenda Submission for Board approval:
Construction approval for new College of Business and Economics Building

Note:  Include copies of pertinent supporting documents, e.g. purchase order, contracts.  (For correct formatting style, use the “Template for Agenda Item-Institutional Cover Page”, under the Forms and Instructions button at the left of this page.)

Flow Charts showing the steps involved in capital projects: