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UEC Event Requirements

All events that are submitted to or added to the University Events Calendar must meet the criteria for being accepted on the global university calendar:

  • It must be an event (not a deadline, meeting, etc.)
  • It must be hosted by a Boise State University Department or Division
  • It must be open to the general public
  • It must be hosted in the Treasure Valley
  • It must utilize Boise State Branded or approved photos
  • It must include complete event information, including time, date, location, details about the event, who is invited, cost, etc.
  • If a call to action is required (i.e. purchase tickets, RSVP link, registration link, or Zoom link) it must be included
  • It must utilize APA Format

If your event does not meet these criteria, it will be removed from the University Events Calendar, but will be retained on your department or college’s group calendar.