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Power Talks

Join us for our virtual Power Talk series that is free and open to the public.

This series brings together leading authors, researchers, and technologists with those who are interested in energy to share insights on energy policy and decision-making.

a fumarole vent in the Earth's surface emitting steam and gases

Spring 2024

Idaho’s Competitiveness, Regional Energy Role and Industry-University Partnerships

June 13th, 12:30pm MT

  • Latisha Hill, Chief Customer Officer and Vice President of Community Relations, Avista
  • Adam Richins, Chief Operating Officer, Idaho Power
  • Bryant Jones, Executive Director, Geothermal Rising
  • Phil Reppert, Director, Idaho University Collaborations and Director, Center for Advanced Energy Studies, Idaho National Laboratory
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Register for the Jun. 13th Power Talk here

Previously completed

U.S. National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap

January 12th, 2024 11:30am MT

  • Dr. Sunita Satyapal, Director for the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Register for the Jan. 12th Power Talk here 

hydrogen fuel cell powered train

Critical Minerals Mining, Energy and Public Lands: Policy and Recommendations

February 29th, 1pm MT

  • Steven Feldgus, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, U.S. Department of the Interior
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Register for the Feb. 29th Power Talk here

a small, vibrant green tree growing out of a globe that is resting on a circuit board

Competitiveness, Sustainability and Energy: A View from Industry in a Fireside Chat

March 14th, 11am MT

Power Talk Host Kathy Araújo, Director of the CAES Energy Policy Institute and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation, and Policy will be joined in a fireside chat by Chad Holliday, former Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell plc, former Chairman of the Board for Bank of America and former Chairman and CEO of DuPont.

Register for the Mar. 14th Power Talk here

Evolving Electricity Developments and the West: Energy Security, Market Change and Policy

March 28th, 12pm MT

  • Stephanie Lenhart, Senior Research Associate and Associate Research Professor, CAES Energy Policy Institute and Boise State University
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Register for the Mar. 28th Power Talk here

what's next road sign

Idaho’s Energy Programming: Highlights and Discussion with the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources

April 4th, 11am MT

  • Emily Her, Energy Program Manager at the Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (OEMR) 
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Register for the Apr. 4th Power Talk here

shoshone falls

Fall 2023

CHIPS and Science Act: Progress and Ties to Energy

November 2nd, 12:45pm MT (Updated Time)

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • John Sargent, Specialist in Science and Technology Policy in the Resources, Science and Industry Division of the Congressional Research Service
  • Corrie E. Clark, Specialist in Energy Policy in the Resources, Science, and Industry Division of the Congressional Research Service

Register for the Nov. 2nd Power Talk here

Spring 2023

Tribal Energy Decision-making

March 10th, 2023 2pm

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Daniel Cardenas, CEO and Chairman, National Tribal Energy Association, and American Indian Infrastructure Association, as well as a Member of the Hammawi Band of the Pit River Tribe
  • Joseph McNeil, General Manager at SAGE Development, Enrolled Member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and President of Standing Rock Development Corporation
  • Robert Blake, Owner of Solar Bear, Executive Director of Native Sun Community Power, and a Tribal Citizen of Red Lake Nation
  • Christina Hoika, Associate Professor, Geography and Civil Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Mostafa Ardakani, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah

Wildfire-Grid 2.0 - Risk and Regulations

March 30th, 2023 1:30pm MT

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Jonathan Woldemariam, Director of Wildfire Mitigation at San Diego Gas & Electric
  • Melissa Semcer, Deputy Director of the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety
  • Joe Scott, founder and Principal Wildfire Analyst at Pyrologix

Energy Storage: Policy and Potential in 2023

April 6, 2023 1:30pm MT

Co-hosted with the Idaho Chapter of the Clean Tech Alliance

  • Moderators: Kathleen Araujo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and
    Paul Cooperrider, Idaho Chapter of the Clean Tech Alliance
  • Jason Burwen, VP Policy and Strategy for GridStor; formerly Vice President, Energy Storage at the American Clean Power Association, as well as interim CEO and Vice President of Policy at the U.S. Energy Storage Association
  • Sean Luangrath, Chief Executive Officer, Inergy
  • Adam Richins, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Idaho Power

Idaho Agriculture: Opportunities and Progress with Clean Energy

April 27th, 2023 1:30pm MT
Co-hosted with the Idaho Chapter of the Clean Tech Alliance

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Rick Naerebout, CEO of Idaho Dairymen’s Association
  • Russell Schiermeier, Idaho Farmer and Renewable Energy Producer

Geothermal Energy Advances in the US

April 4, 2023 1:00pm MT

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Roy Mink, Principal with Mink GeoHydro, Inc., Former Director of Geothermal Technologies Program for U.S. Department of Energy
  • Travis McLing, Energy & Water Lead & Research Scientist with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES)
  • Will Pettitt, Geothermal Lead, Baker Hughes

Fall 2022

Fireside Chat - Inflation Reduction Act & Energy

October 21, 2022 1pm MT

  • Jeffrey Genzer, Counsel for the National Association of State Energy Officials, and General Counsel, Duncan, Weinberg, Genzer & Pembroke, P.C
  • Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Electricity Infrastructure Resilience

November 4, 2022 1:30pm MT

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • John Moura, Director, Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis at North American Electric Reliability Corporation
  • Kris Raper, Vice President of Strategic Engagement and External Affairs at Western Electricity Coordinating Council,
  • Bill Pfister, Managing Director of Business Analytics and Energy Supply at Edison Electric Institute

Consent-based Siting in Nuclear Energy

December 12th 2022, 2pm MT

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Larry Susskind, Ford Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning, MIT; Vice-Chair, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School; Founder and Chief Knowledge Officer, Consensus Building Institute
  • John Kotek, Senior VP of Policy Development & Public Affairs for the Nuclear Energy Institute; and former Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy with the U.S. Department of Energy
  • Richard Meserve, President Emeritus of the Carnegie Institution for Science; and former Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Senior counsel in the Washington, D.C., office of Covington and Burling, LLP.

Spring 2022

Wildfire and Energy Infrastructure Planning

February 24th, 2022

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policye
  • Doug Grafe, Wildfire Programs Director, Governor’s Office, Oregon
  • Bill Messner, Director of Wildfire Mitigation and Resiliency with Portland General Electric (PGE)
  • Boone Zimmerlee, Fire Adapted Communities Coordinator for Deschutes County, Oregon

Putin, Nuclear Threats and Strategic Reality

March 3rd, 2022

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Christian Kessler, Nuclear Policy Expert, Formerly Director of Export Control & Conventional Arms Nonproliferation Policy, U.S. State Department, and UN Security Council Panel of Experts for the Iran Sanctions Committee

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Policy, and Fleet Change

April 27, 2022

  • Diane Turchetta is a Transportation Specialist with the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Natural Environment, where she primarily works on transportation and sustainability issues.
  • Joseph Britton is the Executive Director of the Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA).
  • Nick Nigro is the Founder of Atlas Public Policy. Nick is an expert on alternative fuel vehicle financing, policy, and technology.
  • Britta Gross is the Managing Director of Rocky Mountain Institute’s Carbon Free Mobility Global Program. She focuses on the market-driven strategies, technologies, and policies required to accelerate carbon-free mobility solutions. She is also currently a commissioner for the Orlando Utility Commission.
Special Guest Moderators
  • David Gattie is an Associate Professor of Engineering in the University of Georgia’s College of Engineering, and a Senior Fellow in the University of Georgia’s Center for International Trade and Security, and School of Public & International Affairs.
  • John Gardner is Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering with Boise State University.

Intraday Markets, Wind Integration and Uplift Payments

May 4th, 2022

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Chiara Lo Prete, Associate Professor of Energy Economics in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at Pennsylvania State University

Economic Opportunities and Challenges for Idaho with Carbon Neutral Energy

May 19th, 2022

Co-hosted with the Idaho Chapter of the CleanTech Alliance, Moderators: Kathleen Araujo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute; and Paul Cooperider, Lead, Idaho Chapter  of the Clean Tech Alliance

Session 1: Changing Conditions in the Natural-Built Environment for Energy, Water and Related Infrastructure
  • Steve Hall, Senior Infrastructure Analyst at Idaho National Laboratory, and Lecturer in Economics at Boise State University
  • Karen Humes, Professor of Geography and Geological Sciences, University of Idaho
  • Bruce Savage, Professor and Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Idaho State University
Session 2: Industry and Workforce Potential for Carbon Neutral Energy
  • Hope Morrow,  Labor Economist at Idaho National Laboratory,  Policy Committee Chair, Idaho Workforce Development Council, formerly with the Idaho Department of Labor
  • Johnny Anderson, Economic Development and Innovation Advisor, Idaho Power
  • Adam Scheerer, Talent and Employment Senior Manager, Idaho Power
  • Todd Otanicar, Associate Professor and Chair of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Boise State University
  • Eli Bowles, Assistant Professor of Renewable Energy and Industrial Systems Technology Trade and Industrial Education, College of Southern Idaho
  • Bob Borrelli, Associate Professor, Nuclear Engineering, University of Idaho

Carbon Accounting for Forest-based Bioenergy

June 2nd 2022

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Bill Moomaw, National Advisory Board for the Union of Concerned Scientists; and is Chair of the Board of Climate Group North America, Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy and the Founding Director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at the Fletcher School with Tufts University
  • Jim McMillan, Principal Engineer with National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Lead for the IEA Bioenergy Task 39
  • Annette Cowie, Principal Research Scientist for Climate with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries in Australia, Lead for IEA’s Bioenergy Task 45
  • John  Sterman, Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and a Professor in the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society

Roundtable - Geothermal Prospects - Federal Policy, Jobs, and Technology Build-out

June 15th 2022

  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Roy Mink, Principal with Mink GeoHydro, Inc., Former Director of Geothermal Technologies Program for U.S. Department of Energy
  • Jeff Tester, Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems in the Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Cornell University
  • Travis McLing, Energy & Water Lead & Research Scientist with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES)
  • Will Pettitt, Executive Director with Geothermal Rising

Fall 2021

Green and Sustainable Cities

September 8th, 2021

  • Steve Hubble, Climate Action Manager, Public Works, City of Boise, Idaho
  • John Phelan, Energy Services Senior Manager, Fort Collins, Colorado Utilities
  • Christopher Thomas, Senior Energy and Climate Program Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah

Companion Event - The 10th Anniversary Energy Policy Conference (virtual) "From Disruption to Megatrends in Energy"

Companion Event - Former Secretary of Energy Ernie Moniz in a fireside chat A Regional Approach to Low Carbon Energy Transition in the U.S.

October 15th, 2021

IPCC Science and Energy: A Discussion with Scientist and Lead Author of 5 Major IPCC reports, Bill Moomaw

October 28th, 2021

Bill Moomaw, National Advisory Board for the Union of Concerned Scientists; and is Chair of the Board of Climate Group North America, Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy and the Founding Director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at the Fletcher School with Tufts University

U.S. Nuclear Energy in 2021

November 10th, 2021

Part 1 – Power Talk: Small Modular Reactor Development in the West
  • Moderator: Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Edwin Lyman, Director of Nuclear Power Safety, Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Allison MacFarlane, Director, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia/Former Chair, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • John Kotek, Senior Vice President of Policy Development and Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute/Former Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, U.S. Dept of Energy
  • Doug Hunter, CEO, Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
  • Jason Herbert, Senior Director of External Strategy, New Nuclear Development,
    Energy Northwest
Part 2 – Power Talk: Policy and Directions for Nuclear Waste Management in the US
  • Allison MacFarlane, Director, School of Public Policy and global Affairs, University of British Columbia/Former Chair, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Companion Event – Transitions to Net Zero Carbon Systems: Domestic and International Strategies in Policy and Infrastructure Change, Santa Fe Institute

November 3rd, 2021

  • Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Companion Event – U.S. Science, Technology and Policy Imperatives for Methane: Applicability for Renewable Natural Gas, AICHE 3rd Renewable Gas Summit

December 14th, 2021

Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Summer 2021

Technology, Sector and Policy Change with Deep Decarbonization

July 21st, 2021

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Center for Technology, Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (virtual)

  • Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Bending the Curve: Cases of Disruptive Change in Science and Energy Transitions

June 16th, 2021

Grand Challenges series, MIT (virtual)

  • Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director, CAES Energy Policy Institute, and Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Spring 2021

Co-Hosted Event: Advanced Energy Technologies

Legal and Environmental Considerations for Small Modular Reactors

June 2, 2021

  • Moderator: Tara Righetti, Professor of Law, University of Wyoming College of Law and School of Energy Resources
  • Todd Allen, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Michigan
  • Aaron Weston, Esquire, Researcher, Idaho National Laboratory
  • Temple Stoellinger, Esquire, Professor of Law, University of Wyoming, Haub School of the Environment and School of Law;
  • John Kotek, Sr. Vice President, Policy and Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute.

Electricity Market Outcomes and RTO Governance

June 2nd, 2021

The RTOGov research initiative is hosting a conversation with three leading energy market scholars and a top practitioner from the clean tech industry about decisions that affect the cost and type of electricity that powers American homes and businesses.

CAES Currents Seminar on Federal-Regional Energy Policy Insights

CAES Energy Policy Institute Director Kathleen Araújo moderates this 2-part event which begins with U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson discussing energy-related priorities, followed by a panel discussion of federal energy policy as it relates to Idaho and the region with public and private sector experts.

Oil and the Oil Industry in an Age of Decarbonization

February 18th, 2021

Richard Sears, Adjunct Professor in  the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University, a National Associate of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, and a licensed Professional Geoscientist; Formerly Shell Oil Company and Royal Dutch Shell, Scientific and Management roles; Chief Scientist of the National Oil Spill Commission; and co-author of the Commission’s Chief Counsel’s Report on Deepwater Horizon spill; National Academy of Engineering

The New CEQ NEPA Regulations in 2021: Potential Changes and Implications for Energy

March 24th, 2021

Temple Stoellinger, Assistant Professor at the University of Wyoming, Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, and the College of Law; Co-Director of the Center for Law and Energy Resources in the Rockies; Formerly Natural Resource Attorney for the Wyoming County Commissioners Association; Formerly Natural Resource Analyst and advisor to Shell, International B.V. and Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal

Planning and Policy across Natural Gas and Power Markets

April 14th, 2021

Dr. Seth Blumsack, Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics and International Affairs at Pennsylvania State University

Public Opinion and Nuclear Power in U.S. History for Defense and Energy Purposes

April 28th, 2021

Dr. Sarah Robey, Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in History, Idaho State University

Hydropower in the Northwest: Decisions on Energy Resilience & Salmon with the Lower Snake River Dams, Session 2.0

May 5th, 2021

Don Sampson, Chief of the Walla Walla Tribe, head of the climate change program for the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, and spokesperson for the Northwest Tribal Salmon Alliance

Congressman Mike Simpson, House of Representatives, Idaho’s Second Congressional District

Monica Hubbard, Assistant Professor, Boise State University Department of Public Policy and Administration

Kurt Miller, Executive Director, Northwest RiverPartners

Energy Resilience in Idaho: The Dynamics of Energy Planning

May 19th, 2021

Veronika Vazhnik, CAES Energy Fellow, Idaho Science & Technology Policy Fellowship Program

December 2020

Nuclear Energy Systems Change: Past, Present and Future

December 4th, 2020 – University of Michigan, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Colloquia

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Fall 2020

Energy movie discussion with film-maker

November 6th, 2020

  • Scott Tinker, Film Maker, Director, Bureau of Economic Geology and Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas, Austin
  • Kathy Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Geothermal Energy: Development Prospects & Jobs

October 30th, 2020

  • Dr. Roy Mink, Principal, Mink GeoHydro Inc; Former Director of Geothermal Technologies Program for U.S. Department of Energy
  • Dr. Kathy Araújo, Director of the CAES Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy, Boise State University
  • Dr. Jeff Tester, Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
  • Dr. Travis McLing, Energy and Water Lead and Research Scientist, Idaho National Laboratory and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies
  • Mr. William Pettitt, Executive Director of the Geothermal Resources Council.

What You May Have Missed in Carbon Capture and Sequestration Policy, if You’ve Been a Little Distracted

October 2nd, 2020

Mr. Kipp Coddington, Director, Center for Energy Regulation & Policy; Director, Energy Policy & Economics at the School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming.

Hydropower in the Northwest: Decisions on Energy Resilience & Salmon with the Lower Snake River Dams

October 16th, 2020

  • Mr. Fred Huette, Senior Policy Associate, Northwest Energy Coalition
  • Mr. Ted Sorenson, Owner of the Sorenson Engineering and Vice Chair of the Small Hydro Council, National Hydropower Association
  • Dr. Tom Ptak, Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Idaho
  • Mr. Chase Christen, Engineering Student, Boise State
  • Ms. Brianna Pitcock, Master of Public Administration, Boise State

Behind and Beyond the Meter in Electricity

September 18th, 2020

Dr. Fereidoon Sioshansi, President, Menlo Energy Economics

Energy Transition and Policy Outlook: The United States Dr. Kathleen Araújo

September 8th, 2020

Kathy Araujo, Director and Associate Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Market Rules for Energy Storage

September 8th, 2020

Dr. Stephanie Lenhart, Senior Research Associate and Assistant Research Professor

July 2020

Opportunities and Challenges for Western State Regulators in the Energy Imbalance Market

July 16th, 2020

Dr. Stephanie Lenhart, Senior EPI Researcher

The State of RTO/ISO Governance and Potential Improvements

July 14th, 2020

Dr. Stephanie Lenhart, Senior EPI Researcher

May 2020

Energy Policy Workshop

Wind, solar and nuclear energy

Co-Hosts Kathy Araújo and Kipp Coddington talk with Marc Chupka of the U.S. Energy Storage Association, John Kotek of the Nuclear Energy Institute, Terry Jester of Solpad,  Elise Hunter of Grid Alternatives, and others in this online, half-day Zoom workshop. Sponsored by the CAES Energy Policy Institute, this event is designed for people who are interested in energy policy, in how energy policy informs research, and in collaborative opportunities that bridge research and policy.


May 28, 2020

Pre-workshop event – Energy policy 101/Refresher

Workshop – Energy Policy, Jobs and Industry Conditions during COVID 19 and Economic Challenge

  • Moderator: Kathy Araújo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Marc Chupka, Vice President of Research and Programs, U.S.Energy Storage Association
  • Elise Hunter, Policy and Regulatory Affairs Director for Grid Alternatives
  • Terry Jester, CEO of Solpad
  • John Kotek, Vice President of Policy Development and Public Affairs, Nuclear Energy Institute

(A) Advanced decarbonization

(B) Nuclear development

(C) Smarter grids and electricity markets

April 2020

Local-State Energy Decision-making

April 8th, 2020

  • John Chatburn, State of Idaho, Office of Energy and Mineral Resources
  • Steve Burgos, Public Works, City of Boise

February 2020

Decarbonization in International Energy Transitions

February 27th, 2020 – Santa Fe Institute

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

December 2019

Champions & Industry in Energy Transitions

December 17th, 2019 – Community Library, Kecthum, ID

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

November 2019

What Have We Learned from Four Decades of Danish Wind and French Nuclear Development?

November 8th, 2019 – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Advancing the Intermountain West's EV Corridor: Critical Infrastructure and Policy Blueprinting in Early Adoption

November 6th, 2019 – Sloan Foundation Workshop, Boston, MA

Dr. Kathleen Araujo
Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
Location: Boston University
Integrating Electric Mobility Systems with the Grid Infrastructure

September 2019

Geothermal Tour of Boise

September 29th, 2019

A tour of Boise’s historic and currently used geothermal sites is offered by a team of geothermal experts, historians and Idaho National Laboratory. An energy-optimized bus operated by the INL shuttles the group from a historic pump house and Warm Springs-heated homes, to the only geothermally-heated Capitol in the US and a family-run greenhouse heated by geothermal energy.

Roundtable: The Energy Workforce of the Future

September 29th, 2019

Boise State University, Student Union Building
Trueblood Room

Women in Clean Energy Reception

September 29th, 2019

Bodovino, 404 South 8th Street, Boise, Idaho

9th Annual Energy Policy Conference

“Energy Decision-Making in Times of Disruptive Change”
Boise Centre, 850 W Front Street, Boise, Idaho 83702
September 29th through October 1st
Visit Conference Website

Power Talk & MSMSE Seminar - Balancing Energy and the Environment

September 2019

Kemal Pasamehmetoglu, INL and Ecologic

August 2019

Energy Jobs, Regional Innovation, and Science - Western Energy Conference

August 27th, 2019

Keynote Address

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Panel: “The Role of the Science Enterprise and Innovation in Energy Transitions”
  • Moderator: Kathleen Araujo, Boise State University
  • John Russell, University of Idaho
  • JoAnn Lighty, Boise State University, Engineering
  • Heidi Jarvis, Idaho Technology Council
  • Ray Stark, Chamber of Commerce
  • Nic Miller, Boise State University, Venture College

July 2019

International Energy Transitions - Sun Valley Forum

July 24th, 2019

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Competing Interests in Energy Systems and Resilience - Mandela Fellows Program

July 8th, 2019

  • Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy
  • Dr. Stephanie Lenhart, Senior Researcher, Energy Policy Institute

June 2019

Bending the Curve with Innovation and Policy - Lecture, CAES/Idaho National Lab

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

March 2019

Energy Workforce Opportunities and Challenges - Capitol Hill Testimony

March 7th, 2019

Noel Bakhtian, Director, Center for Advanced Energy Studies

February 2019

Disruptive Change in Nuclear and Geothermal Energy: Policy and Paradigm Shifts

February 8th, 2019

Dr. Kathleen Araujo, Director, Energy Policy Institute and Associate Professor, Sustainable Energy Systems, Innovation and Policy

Roundtable on Energy and Environmental Careers

February 24th, 2019

  • Erik Olson, Policy Analyst at the Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy and Mineral Resources
  • Lisa Grow, Idaho Power’s Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
  • June Shoemaker, Deputy State Director Resource Sciences, Bureau of Land Management
  • Rialin Flores, Program Director, Conservation Voters for Idaho
  • David Broderick, Founder Stewards of Sustainability, LLC | Director of Sustainability, Treefort Music Festival
  • Andy Weigel, Project Manager, Brown and Caldwell
  • Lars Dorr, Director of Business Development, Clenera Renewable Energy