Hydropower in the Northwest:
Decisions on Energy Resilience & Salmon – Fred Huette, Ted Sorenson, Tom Ptak, Chase Christen, Brianna Pitcock, Thomas Lazarte – October 16, 11:30am MT. This discussion follows up on evaluations, including a student project, considering the removal of four dams on the lower Snake River in the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Fred Huette is a Senior Policy Associate with the Northwest Energy Coalition. Mr. Ted Sorenson is Owner of the Sorenson Engineering and Vice Chair of the Small Hydro Council, National Hydropower Association. Dr. Tom Ptak is an Assistant Professor of Geograhy at the University of Idaho. Mr. Chase Christen is a Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering, Boise State University. Ms. Brianna Pitcock is a Graduate Student in Public Policy and Administration, Boise State University. Mr. Thomas Lazarte is an Undergraduate Student in Business-Economics, Boise State University.
Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/powertalk_2020-10-16.