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Boise Cascade Research Fellowship

The Boise Cascade Fellowship was designed to allow students to pursue an independent research project connected to environmental issues through the lens of any academic discipline. It cannot be part of a faculty’s research project, but we do want you to have a faculty mentor who can effectively review your project’s design, purpose and methodology. The project can be completed over the spring, summer or fall semesters.

Completed applications are due on Feb. 28, 2025.

Any student with an interest in conducting research on environmental issues during the 2025 calendar year is invited to apply for a Boise Cascade Corporation Environmental Research Fellowship.  Fellowships up to $5,000 will be available to support individual or group research projects. Additional eligibility criteria include:

  • Currently enrolled as a full-time student or plan to enroll full-time by Fall 2025 (Full time = 12 undergraduate credits; 9 grad credits)
  • Minimum 3.5 GPA
  • Financial need
  • Recipient will undertake an environment research project subject to approval by a Boise State advisor and present findings

The fellowship competition is open to students from any academic discipline. 

  • A student majoring in biology, for example might use fellowship funds to analyze the return of plant and animal life to areas burned by major forest fires
  • A student specializing in chemistry might do research on air or water quality issues
  • A student studying economics might analyze the relative costs and benefits of alternative land use programs
  • A student majoring in political science might study the development of policies governing the management of public lands

This list is merely suggestive of the many types of projects that are eligible for funding.  Students who have received fellowships in previous years have majored in such diverse fields as political science, psychology, education, mathematics, chemistry, economics, nursing, history and pre-medical studies.

The fellowship may be used to fund salary for the project and the purchase of project-specific equipment, research materials and travel. 

Funds cannot be used to pay for summer or fall school tuition or related programmatic fees.

To apply for a Boise Cascade Environmental Research Fellowship, submit an application form.

If you want to discuss an idea for a possible project, feel free to talk with Kevin Feris (Director, School of the Environment) or Emily Wakild (Associate Director, School of the Environment). Both faculty are willing to read and comment on a draft of your proposed project.

Completed applications are due on Feb. 28, 2025. Let either director know if you need an extension on the deadline.

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