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History of the School of the Environment

The philosophy behind the School of the Environment at Boise State has existed in some form long before the was formally established. The university has prized environmental expertise across disciplines and degree programs like biology, public policy, geosciences, sociology, economics and public health. These shared objectives between experts from many fields laid the groundwork for a school dedicated to addressing the challenges climate change poses to our region and community.

In the summer of 2022, the Idaho State Board of Education made these informal connections official by approving the School of the Environment within the College of Arts and Sciences at Boise State. Creating the school helped us give shape and direction to the environmental collaborations that already existed on campus and find new ways to use those connections to benefit our students, faculty and community.

The School of the Environment is designed around an innovative organizational structure that nurtures connections in support of teaching, learning and research without having to physically move people or reorganize units. From this idea, we can create interdisciplinary opportunities for teaching, learning, research and service for anyone interested in helping to solve the environmental issues facing us today.

Now, several years after its founding, the School of the Environment is an active part of the Boise State campus community. The school regularly hosts events, creates new opportunities for collaboration and cultivates the next generation of trailblazers with its B.S. in Environmental Science and Masters of Environmental Management degree programs.

School of the Environment

Designing the School

In this video, School of the Environment Design Team members Alejandro Flores, Kevin Feris and Emily Wakild discuss the School of the Environment in the College of Arts and Sciences, how the school was designed, how the school aligns strategically with Boise State and the College of Arts and Sciences, and what’s next for the school.

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