Placement Chart
Class Information
You may be placed into English 101M, English 101 Plus (101P), or English 101.
English 101M
English 101M is a 6 credit class that meets the same learning outcomes as English 101. English 101M is for multilingual students only. After passing 101M, you will be able to take English 102.
English 101M offers:
- Smaller classes
- Three hours per week of additional classroom time with the teacher and a learning assistant
- More time to do work and ask questions in class
English 101P
English 101P is a 4 credit class that meets the same learning outcomes as English 101. After passing 101P, you will be able to take English 102.
English 101P offers:
- One hour per week of additional classroom time with the teacher and a smaller group of students
- More time to do work and ask questions in class