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Masters or PhD position in plant population ecology and plant-pathogen interactions at Boise State University

Dr. Allison Simler-Williamson in the department of Biological Sciences at Boise State University is seeking an enthusiastic student to carry out masters or Ph.D. research in plant population ecology, disease ecology, and local adaptation.

The prospective student will conduct research examining how plant population structure influences plant-microbe interactions and disease emergence, primarily in disturbance-prone sagebrush steppe ecosystems. This work involves a combination of field work, greenhouse work, laboratory research, and statistical modeling. The Simler-Williamson lab ( conducts research examining abiotic and biotic drivers of plant population persistence, including work focused on climate, disturbance, and other plant disease systems. Depending on interest, the prospective student would have opportunities to collaborate on work in these additional research areas. The Simler-Williamson lab is committed to supporting its mentees in a welcoming, inclusive environment.

Preferred qualifications include:

  • A B.S. degree in ecology, biology, environmental science, or a related field.

  • Relevant coursework in ecology, disease ecology or microbial ecology, plant biology, and statistics

  • Past data analysis or programming experience

  • Past experience coordinating or completing field or laboratory research

  • Strong verbal and written communication skills

Students will be admitted through the Boise State University Masters in Biology program or the PhD in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior program (January 15, 2023 deadlines for application materials), to begin in August 2023. Additional information about the programs can be found at: or Funding may be provided through a combination of research assistantship and teaching assistantship, which includes coverage of tuition and health insurance, with a minimum salary of $25,000/year.

If interested, please email Dr. Allison Simler-Williamson ( with the following documents: a 1-page cover letter summarizing your interest in the position and what you are hoping to gain from a masters degree or PhD; a CV or resume; and contact details for 2-3 professional references. Please use the subject header: “Grad Position in Plant Ecology + Disease.”