Siduri Haslerig
(pronounced HAY-slur-rig)
In my role as the associate dean for the College of Education, I am primarily responsible for research, faculty affairs, and graduate education. Prior to joining the faculty at Boise State, I held a similar role in the University of Oklahoma’s Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education, where I was the associate dean for research and graduate studies.
Professional Focus, Research Interests, and Contact Information
Focus & Responsibilities
My current focus is building infrastructure to better support faculty, doctoral students and research capacity in the college. Visit our new COED Office of Research website for current information about events and how my office is supporting research and other creative activity.
My experience as an academic life coach has influenced my approach to working with faculty and graduate students. I am passionate about assisting others in creating meaningful academic careers through various stages. I look forward to expanding professional development opportunities and encouraging a rich scholarly community to flourish in the college.
Research Interests
My research nests the study of intercollegiate athletics and college athletes within higher education systems. I specifically examine equity, access, and inclusion; college athletes’ academic achievement; developmental and support services in intercollegiate athletics; and innovative qualitative research methods.
I have published in journals such as the American Educational Research Journal, the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the Sociology of Sport Journal, and the Journal of Career Development. Since conducting the first study of graduate student athletes’ experiences, my research has continued to use qualitative methods to critically examine college sport and equity in higher education. I am currently writing a book about the political coverage embedded in college sport broadcasts.
Contact Information
(208) 426-1611
Education Building, 705