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Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessment

Welcome to the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Assessments (ICLAs) at Boise State University. We offer testing to Boise State students as part of coursework/programs (internal testing), and we offer testing for those who need to take the assessments but are not Boise State students (external testing).

External testers (non-BSU students) can take the ICLC through the Lee Pesky Learning Center. The “course” covers Standards 1, 2, 3, and 4 and is $385, paid through Lee Pesky. You will receive a letter certifying that you have completed the Idaho State Department of Education course requirements for literacy instruction. Some people don’t need or want credits for the course. If you need credit for the course, you would enroll in the Lee Pesky course first (ICLC is $385), then register for credit with Boise State Extended Studies (4 credits x $60/credit = $240) for a total of $625. If you have any questions about the Lee Pesky course, please contact Courtney Painton at

If you have questions about the course credits, please visit Extended Studies using the link below:

Extended Studies