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College of Education Graduate Assistant Application

A limited number of competitive graduate assistantship opportunities are available in the College of Education. Graduate assistantships typically offer a 9-month research assistantship position that includes an approximate $12,750 stipend, tuition and fee waiver, and student health insurance. (Graduate assistantships for doctoral candidates include an approximate $16,750 stipend.)

Graduate assistants must enroll for a minimum of nine credit hours each semester and must meet other requirements as set by the Graduate College.

The application includes the following two requests for additional documents:

1. Your resume or CV that includes the following information (as applicable):

  • Educational background (including college name, years attended, and degree awarded)
  • Areas of intended or completed research
  • Teaching experience (including title/position, subjects taught, state/location, and dates)
  • Any related work experience applicable to graduate program
  • Any special qualifications or certifications
  • Professional publications
  • Honors and awards

2. A written response to the question:

  • “Why are you interested in an assistantship in the College of Education at Boise State?”
  • Include any areas of research, names of researchers or faculty, and/or any applicable future plans in your response.

If you are interested in being considered for a graduate assistantship opportunity, please submit your application using this form

Review of applications will begin on March 1st and continue on a rolling basis.